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Then Just Ask - John 8:32

Many of us, if we are honest with ourselves, understand if there’s anyone you shouldn’t lie to is yourself. We won’t constantly acknowledge our hurts, pains, inadequacies, sins, faults, and marks in which we’ve missed. Consequently, we’ll put ourselves in a bind, and become tied up by the strongman. The devil is a lie and the accuser of the brethren; especially, when he gets us caught up.

But what amazes me, it’s funny how we don’t see him now announcing the truth that in this season God has sent greater in your midst, blessings upon your bounty, peace in your situation, and beauty instead of ashes. He doesn’t want to talk about this truth. Truth is what’s supposed to set us free. Felix Adler said, “Truth has made us free and will in the end make us glad also.”

John pens some powerful words when he declares we will know (come to recognize and learn) the truth, and this truth will set us free (John 8:32), for this truth comes in knowing Christ, who said he is and no one can access truth unless you connect with him. Some old folk use to say, “now that you know better, you should do better.” What they literally were saying is that knowledge of the truth must be used to be successful. Truth should be worn as a belt (Eph 6:4), should be spoken as we grow up in every way in Him (Eph 4:15), and should be declared as we put away falsehood (Eph 4:25).

It’s in you now because you heard the word of truth, believed, and were sealed by the truth from the Holy Spirit which is a guarantee of our inheritance (Eph 1:13-14). Truth is it’s already done, but asking is what initiates the process. So just ask!

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