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Women's Ministry

Women of Grace (Women's Ministry) WOG 


A WOMAN OF GRACE is one who fulfills God's intention of playing a vital role in the Kingdom of God as well as the home, job and community. The righteous influential character of a WOMAN OF GRACE, i.e., mother and wife is portrayed in Proverbs 31:10-31. We read in 2 Timothy 1:5 - Minister Timothy was blessed to have been nurtured by a mother and grandmother, who responds to God's intended purpose.

"When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also."


 WOMAN OF GRACE is a crown to her husband, a strong woman, noble, courageous, and dignified. She radiates excellence and high moral qualities, she distinguishing right from wrong, applying those principles to her everyday life.

A WOMAN OF GRACE shows her reverence for God above all else that she does. She is not arrogant and presumptuously proud, or stiff-necked, but humbles herself before God.


She is the inward ornament of chase conversation; a meek and quiet spirit. Strength and honor are her clothing. She knows she was created as a whole, unique and separate individual to be a help meet suitable for her husband and rear her children in the fear of God, to be sober, discreet, a keeper at home, good and obedient to her husband. Tit 2:5. She is committed and has the wherewithal to adjust to the many demands in her life without complaining or acting grudgedly. A WOMAN OF GRACE is aware of the needs of others and responds eagerly.


WOG Women's Ministry is to enable women to deepen their faith while experiencing spiritual growth, renewal, rejuvenation and encounter God on a level as never imagined. WOV are empowered to seek God for their gift and walk therein with power and authority (I Pet 4:10, 11; I Cor. 12:4-11; Rom 12:6-8). God also used these women as great examples of Women of Grace: Deborah a prophetess and a speaker of wisdom who trusted in God and walked in righteousness, leading Israelite troops to a great victory. (Judges 4:1-11, 5:1-18). Esther was a woman of courage who feared the Lord, who saved the Jews from total annihilation. Esther 8:15-10 and Dorcus-Tabitha was a model Christian woman who had a great impact on her community. Acts 9:36.


It is our pursuit to mature in Christ and develop the characteristics of a godly woman. "The woman who lives with an open hand and an open heart is a blessing to many." Our focus is for every woman to achieve every aspect of the VIRTUOUS WOMAN. Our responsibility to properly care for, feed, nurture and nourish in service to others, will inevitably cause us to be successful in the Kingdom of God, to fulfill His original intent for our lives. So together with the help of God's Holy Spirit and His Word we will achieve our quest! Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? A virtuous woman is not identified by her outer appearance, but by her moral character, which comes from the inner woman. A virtuous is a rare jewel that walks in the righteousness of Christ.

The most important character of the WOG ministry is to serve; God, our husbands, our children, our church family, and our communities. The WOG serve not by what we say, but by what we do here at Grace Bible Fellowship as well as abroad.


WOG ministry has it benefits:

  • Open to every woman of Grace Bible Fellowship

  • Fellowships monthly

  • Open communication

  • Community outreach

  • Scholarship Award

  • Discipleship

  • Mentoring


If you desire to serve in a ministry that is on the move for God; spiritually rewarding, mentally empowering and actively kingdom building, we invite you to become a part of the WOG Women's ministry. As you become empowered, you can impact others. The WOGs Ministry would be honored and blessed to have you on our core team and/or team member.


For more information please feel free to contact

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