Couples Ministry
“One Heart, One Mind, One Vision” Genesis 2:24
To provide a forum for Christian couples to share experiences and gain enlightenment through God’s word. To put the brakes on divorce and help build stronger, healthy, Christ centered marriages within the body of Christ.
Married couples who desire to improve and strengthen their marriage and increase the intimacy through the study and application of God’s holy word.
Educate married couples by utilizing the tools God has provided such as couples conferences, seminars, cell group bible studies, and fellowships and various activities that promote personal relationship building. To direct couples toward Christ as the solid rock and foundation upon which a strong Christian marriage is built.
Genesis 2:24 (NIV)
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Couples Ministry Goals
Every Christian family is built on a solid foundation which is Jesus Christ!
That every Christian marriage be strengthened and restored. God’s purpose revealed, manifested and fulfilled.
The promotion of a well balanced family ministry through the application of God’s word.
Establish family outreach for troubled marriages and families.
Establish Covenant Couples that will intercede for the ministry in prayer and provide counseling at the request of the Pastor.
Help preserve God’s plan for marriage, one couple at a time.
Christian Couples exist daily with many unanswered questions relative to marital issues, parenting, work, and church. Couples are struggling with trying to bring balance to their lives with the many challenges they face. God’s original plan for marriage is a union between one man and one woman, however, this plan is continuously under attack. Couples are unable to manage the challenges of life because they are not equipped to handle the stress of these life challenges. As a result, the family structure is in turmoil and this is a threat to the church.
GBF Couples Ministry provides an atmosphere conducive for Christian Couples to communicate about issues relative to natural and spiritual growth. Issues will be discussed and resolutions obtained through the word of God.
Couples Connected to Christ
If you would like to be a part of this ministry and participate in one of our bible study cell groups, please complete the form to the right and we will be in contact with you.
Contact: First Lady Qwivander Smith
Couples Ministry Leaders
Brother and Sister Warren