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A Fasting Revelation

Jesus told His disciples on one occasion that the reason they could not cast out a particular spirit was because of their unbelief (See: Matthew 17:20-21). A few verses later, He added this kind (of spirit) does not go out except by “prayer and fasting." Sometimes for the believer prayer is not enough, you feel that it has only taken you so far, and you need that “Red Bull” impact! Then a fast is the thing for you.

Did you know that fasting wasn't an option, but a command! It was declared by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount along with other commands you may have thought were options as well?

1. When you give to the needy....Matt 6:3

2. When you pray, go into your room... Matt 6:6 and finally

3. When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites... Matt 6:16

We should use a time to fast to truly get close to God, spend more time in his word, worship, reflection, meditation, and study. Fasting is to be performed with a desired expectation.

- BREAKTHRU, in an area which had previously been blocked.

Many times in scripture when there was stunted movement amongst God's people, blockage, or halted progress; a fast was called to move the situation like Liquid Plumber does. It attacks the areas corroded by fibers, dirt and other debris that clogs a drain which should be flowing without hindrance. Our lives should be flowing (beloved I wish you to prosper and be in good health- 3 John 2) and all should be well with our souls; but for most of us it doesn't work that way. This is why fasting is essential to the believer for it will release you to walk in authority! To get to the mountaintop, it begins with one step.

Therefore we are providing many opportunities at Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch this year to help you reach your promise land:

1. Do you have health issues? Try Zumba (Tues/Thurs at 7pm@ church).

2. Do you have life issues? Try OVERCOMERS (Thurs at 7pm@ church).

3. Do you have dietary issues? Try our healthy living class beginning Sat, March 11th.

4. Do you have computer illiterate issues? Attend our free Web/IT seminar on Sat, March 18th.

5. Do you have marriage issues? Try our Marriage seminar on Fri/Sat, March 24/25th.

6. Do your children have grade issues? Try our GBF after school program.

Breakthru can come, but you've got to take the first step by "closing your mouth."

Of course you can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.

- We should fast when we desire spiritual blessing and insight.

- For fasting brings divine rewards /revelation.

- We should fast when we feel weak and vulnerable.

- We should fast when appealing to God for protection.

- We should fast when appealing to God for victory.

Most of us won’t fast and pray seeking God for victory for we feel we've experienced many lost and battles that we've been created to be victims- but that's completely contrary to the truth. We are more than conquerors (Rom 8:37)!

Join in with us beginning today thru Sunday!

Rev Kirkland A. Smith Senior Pastor

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